Programs and Committees

Arts Department: Emphasis on fostering art endeavors in the community. Art, photography, writing and crafts contests are encouraged for youth and adults.

Conservation Department: Function is to establish and implement environmental awareness programs in our community by educating members and citizens about the importance of beautifying our community and keeping it litter free. Stresses the importance of managing and preserving the earth's natural resources by looking at the effects of global warming, new energy saving tips, becoming aware of one's carbon footprint, and more.

Education Department: Stresses the importance of lifelong reading, support of libraries, learning support for students of all ages and recruiting tutors for literacy. Resource Center for literacy and student scholarships.

Home Life Department: Helping Hands programs/projects to assist those with special needs dominate this program. Focus on women's health and financial issues included. Resource center for spiritual values and sunshine.

Habitat for Humanity: The Red Land Area Women's Club has been serving lunch once a month to the volunteers at Habitat For Humanity in Harrisburg for many years. Club members prepare the food and deliver it on the second Friday of each month. These dedicated Habitat for Humanity workers are so very appreciative of the efforts of the Club members and in turn, it is a real joy for Club members to do this for them.

Lunch Bunch: This is a monthly gathering of club members for the purpose of socializing and enjoying culinary delights at various locations.

Membership Committee: The Membership Committee serves as the Club's primary vehicle for securing new members and retaining existing members.The Committee is always looking for new members to join a wonderful group of women who are committed to our area.